Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Heebie Jeebies

This is a horrible surprise I hope none of you find.  Yesterday, when I grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard, there was a huge brown spider in it.  Now, every time I grab a dish, I have the heeby jeebies.  I hope the spider doesn't have any relatives left in the cupboard.  Who knows what dishes it touched.  What if you were to reach your hand into the cupboard, and one came down all sinister on its web?  Although the horrible surprise with the spider totally gave me the heebie jeebies, I would like to know if you have any gross spider stories.  Please comment (if you use anonymous it is extra easy) with your gross spider stories.


  1. I am so scared of spiders!! They give me the "heebie jeebies" too... We used to live in a "Garden Level" (aka basement) apartment, so you could say there was a plethora of them!! I hate the ones with the spiky legs!

    1. Me too! I hate it when they have thick legs too. Gross!

    2. Thank you so much for the awful description that causes heart palipitations in all of us who aren't fond of spiders. I love your point of view.

  2. Just last week I reached up on a high shelf to get a game to play with my students and a jumping spider jumped off the game box in my direction. Of course I screamed and startled all the kids who then started laughing hysterically at me. We decided to have iPod time instead of a board game:)
    Mrs. Namreuehcs

    1. Although I am appalled at what you went through, I died laughing at the visual of you and that gross old jumping spider.

  3. How heart-stoppingly terrifying! I have major arachnophobia and can fully feel your discomfort in such a situation. As a teenager my mom and step-dad lived in a house that was routinely visited by wolf spiders, and I lived in perma fear of them, in much the same way. Fingers crossed this was a one off experience for you!!!

    Thank you very much for your lovely comment on my Pantone colour of the year post, I really appreciate your visit.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. STAR STRUCK! I have been reading your adorable blogs since January of last year. Congrats on the milestone of 365! Well done!
