Friday, December 30, 2011

Breakfast Quotes from Lady Bird Johnson

Today I was drinking  a delicious cup of eggnog flavored coffee from my Keurig (THANK YOU MOM!), when I noticed the quote was wearing off the side of the glass my hubby had bought me in Texas.  I squinted to read it, and this is what it said, "I hope when you consider your land, that you will cherish those places that are still wild, where you can explore.  Nature's secret places where bulldozer and highway have not invaded."  Lady Bird Johnson.  What a wonderful quote!  What a wonderful lady.  Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson is one of my favorite first ladies.  She was a very driven woman, who stepped in to help out style icon/former first lady Jackie Kennedy when she was pregnant, served on several boards, received a good education, and helped preserve and reintroduce native plants in Texas.  She was even nicknamed "Johnny Appleseed of Wildflowers".  That is a nickname I would love to have!  Her other nickname, "Lady Bird" was given to her by her nurse, Alice Tittle when she was a baby, because she was "as purdy as a ladybird" (a brightly colored beetle).   One of my favorite stories about her is when she chased down reporter Dan Rather in her car after he had a clash with LBJ, and invited him back to have punch because, "That's just the way Lyndon sometimes is".  If you want to know more about this interesting lady, check out her book , A White House Diary.  As for me, I might have to finish my coffee outdoors.

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